municipal drainage department - cologne

   3D relief modeling
   Data preparation for flood simulation

Floods have always threatened river riparians. Dense settlement, urban agglomerations with highly complex infrastructures and an increasing flood risk in the light of climate change, however, force a drastically increased commitment of the public administration. In addition to securing the riverbanks with reinforced dikes, the relief effect of so-called retention areas is also being considered, which are intended to divert water on a large scale into artificial catch basins along the rivers in the event of high water levels. The city of Cologne plans to establish such a retention area in the "Worringer Bruch". This project is to be presented to the citizens in the context of public relations efforts.

QUOMODO created an interactive landscape model for this purpose, which demonstrate the construction and later functionality of the project in a vivid way (cf. with Schweinfurt).


Pegel Köln - © Bundesarchiv, B 422 Bild-0086 / Sers, Günter / CC-BY-SA

Rheinhochwasser in Köln - © stEB

  Municipal drainage department - Cologne
Startup May 2015

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