municipal drainage department - cologne

   3D relief modeling
   Data preparation for flood simulation

The overall installation "Interactive Landscape Model" fits as one component into the exhibition area of the information center in Worringen. It is essentially controlled via a touchscreen. The model was deliberately placed in a highly visible position in front of a large shop window so that it can also be seen from the street. A button panel on the window even allows operation from outside.

When playing the flooding scenarios, status messages such as the water level, the time and special operating states of the structures in the retention area are displayed. Furthermore, special maps can optionally be called up such as overviews of the planned construction measures or calculated groundwater distances.

Further simulations can be found on the SteB website here.


  top: Interaction levels touchscreen and see-through glass panel for shop windows.
Motifs on the left:

above: Model with front projection of an aerial image and touchscreen on console
below: Flood simulation example