
In many theme areas, spatial and timely references must be created. That which maps in their abstract presentation can only conditionally achieve, is classically conveyed by relief models of a landscape sector which are complicated in design: Set references of themes and locations to one another, and recognise spatial proportions. The time reference however - how do the conditions change over a particular period of time? - is reduced to an "is" situation, which corresponds to the design of the model that has once been determined. As a consequence, financial expenditure and information contents often stand in a less advantageous relationship with one another. We have developed a new solution for this question, which combines in an impressive way, the intensive sensation for landscape forms and touch with the animating information potential of the computer. Your customers/visitors will be very impressed when they receive in a playful way, a wealth of differing geographic information presented in plastic, and can follow developments through time via animations, and always accompanied by text, picture and acoustic explanations. 

Let us inform you about the tailored solutions for your field of work. Have we awakened your interest? Then call us or contact us via email.